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contributor authorShah, Jimil M.
contributor authorEiland, Richard
contributor authorRajmane, Pavan
contributor authorSiddarth, Ashwin
contributor authorAgonafer, Dereje
contributor authorMulay, Veerendra
date accessioned2019-09-18T09:04:46Z
date available2019-09-18T09:04:46Z
date copyright4/10/2019 12:00:00 AM
date issued2019
identifier issn1043-7398
identifier otherep_141_02_021007.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe improved efficiency of mineral oil may offer simplicity in facility design compared to traditional air cooling and provide a means for cost savings. Despite its improved cooling efficiency and cost savings, a mineral oil immersion cooling technique is still not widely implemented and original equipment manufacturers are reluctant to jeopardize sales of existing air-based cooling system equipment. Only compelling physics regarding thermal performance of direct immersion cooling is not enough for data center operators. Many uncertainties and concerns persist regarding the effects of mineral oil immersion cooling on the reliability of information technology (IT) equipment both at the component and chassis level. This paper is a first attempt at addressing this challenge by reviewing the changes in physical and chemical properties of IT equipment materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), printed circuit board (PCB), and capacitors and characterizes the interconnect reliability of materials. The changes in properties of a mineral oil like kinematic viscosity and dielectric strength are also cited as important factors and discussed briefly. The changes in mechanical properties like elasticity, hardness, swelling, and creep are being shown in the paper for thermoplastic materials. The chemical reaction between material and mineral oil as a function of time and temperature is also conferred. The literature gathered on the subject and quantifiable data gathered by the authors provide the primary basis for this research document.
publisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleReliability Considerations for Oil Immersion-Cooled Data Centers
typeJournal Paper
journal volume141
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Electronic Packaging
identifier doi10.1115/1.4042979
journal fristpage21007
journal lastpage021007-9
treeJournal of Electronic Packaging:;2019:;volume( 141 ):;issue: 002

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