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contributor authorA. Tamayol
contributor authorF. McGregor
contributor authorM. Bahrami
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:49:26Z
date available2017-05-09T00:49:26Z
date copyrightSeptember, 2012
date issued2012
identifier issn1528-9044
identifier otherJEPAE4-926029#034501_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractPassive heat transfer from enclosures with rectangular fins is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Several sample enclosures with various lengths are prepared and tested. To calibrate the thermal measurements and the analyses, enclosures without fins (“bare” enclosures) are also prepared and tested. Surface temperature distribution is determined for various enclosure lengths and heat generation rates. Existing relationships for natural convection and radiation heat transfer are used to calculate the heat transfer rate from the tested samples. The theoretical results successfully predict the trends observed in the experimental data. It is observed that the contribution of the radiation heat transfer is on the order of 50% of the total heat transfer for the tested enclosures. As such, a new correlation is reported for calculating an optimum fin spacing for vertically-mounted uniformly finned surfaces, with rectangular straight fins that takes into account both natural convection and radiation.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleThermal Assessment of Naturally Cooled Electronic Enclosures With Rectangular Fins
typeJournal Paper
journal volume134
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Electronic Packaging
identifier doi10.1115/1.4007077
journal fristpage34501
identifier eissn1043-7398
keywordsHeat transfer
keywordsRadiation (Physics)
keywordsNatural convection
keywordsFins AND Heat
treeJournal of Electronic Packaging:;2012:;volume( 134 ):;issue: 003

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