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contributor authorSarang Shidore
contributor authorTien Yu Tom Lee
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:04:35Z
date available2017-05-09T00:04:35Z
date copyrightSeptember, 2001
date issued2001
identifier issn1528-9044
identifier otherJEPAE4-26195#232_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA detailed model of a die-up 256-pin Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) package was created and validated against experimental data for natural convection and forced convection environments. Next, four compact models were derived; two two-resistor models (one created through a two-point computational cold plate test; the other using the DELPHI optimization approach), a multi-resistor Star network model and a shunt network model. The latter three models were derived using the methodology established by the DELPHI (Development of Libraries of Physical models for an Integrated design environment) project. The four compact models and the detailed model were each placed in natural convection and forced convection (velocities of 1,2, and 4 m/s) environments. Good agreement was obtained for the die-junction temperature rise for both the detailed and the shunt compact models. The star and two-resistor models were seen to be inferior in terms of accuracy. The two-resistor model created using the DELPHI methodology was found to be superior compared to the one created with the computational cold-plate test. The star model showed little gain in performance as compared to the DELPHI two-resistor model.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleA Comparative Study of the Performance of Compact Model Topologies and Their Implementation in CFD for a Plastic Ball Grid Array Package
typeJournal Paper
journal volume123
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Electronic Packaging
identifier doi10.1115/1.1349423
journal fristpage232
journal lastpage237
identifier eissn1043-7398
keywordsComputational fluid dynamics
keywordsForced convection
keywordsNatural convection
keywordsBall-Grid-Array packaging
keywordsNetwork models AND Electrical resistance
treeJournal of Electronic Packaging:;2001:;volume( 123 ):;issue: 003

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