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contributor authorK. N. Chiang
contributor authorC. W. Chang
contributor authorC. T. Lin
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:04:34Z
date available2017-05-09T00:04:34Z
date copyrightDecember, 2001
date issued2001
identifier issn1528-9044
identifier otherJEPAE4-26198#331_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractDevelopment of flip-chip-on-glass (FCOG) assembly technology using anisotropic conductive adhesive/film (ACA/ACF) is currently underway to achieve fine pitch interconnections between driver IC and flat panel display. Conductive adhesives are characterized by fine-pitch capability and more environment compatibility. Anisotropic conductive adhesive/film (ACA/ACF) is composed of an adhesive resin and conductive particles, such as metallic or metal-coated polymer particles. In contrast to a solder type flip chip interconnection, the electric current passing through conductive particles becomes the dominant conduction paths. The interconnection between the particles and the conductive surfaces is constructed by the elastic/plastic deformation of conductive particles with contact pressure, which is maintained by tensile stress in the adhesive. Although loss of electric contact can occur when the adhesive expands or swells in the Z- axis direction, delamination and cracking can occur in the adhesive layer while the tensile stress is excessive. In addition to performing processing simulations as well as reliability modeling, this research investigates the contact force that is developed and relaxed within the interconnection during the process sequence by using nonlinear finite element simulations. Environmental effects, such as high temperature and thermal loading, are also discussed. Moreover, a parametric study is performed for process design. To improve performance and reliability, variables such as ACF materials, proper processing conditions are discussed as well. Furthermore, this study presents a novel method called equivalent spring method, capable of significantly reducing the analysis CPU time and make process modeling and contact analysis of the 3D ACA/ACF process possible.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleProcess Modeling and Thermal/Mechanical Behavior of ACA/ACF Type Flip-Chip Packages
typeJournal Paper
journal volume123
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Electronic Packaging
identifier doi10.1115/1.1389847
journal fristpage331
journal lastpage337
identifier eissn1043-7398
keywordsParticulate matter
keywordsFinite element analysis
keywordsMechanical behavior
keywordsFlip-chip packages
keywordsSolders AND Flip-chip
treeJournal of Electronic Packaging:;2001:;volume( 123 ):;issue: 004

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