Journal of Architectural Engineering
EISSN: 1943-5568
ISSN: 1076-0431
Priority: 4
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Description: The Journal of Architectural Engineering is a multidisciplinary forum for dissemination of research- based engineering and technical information related to all aspects of building engineering design in the form of peer-reviewed technical papers, tech More ...
Now showing items 971-980 of 1013
GIS-Based Information System for Automated Building Façade Assessment Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have recently become popular in building façade inspections to maintain a safe and well-performed built environment. A camera-equipped UAV system can capture numerous high-resolution façade ...
Optimizing Solar Panel Placement through Passive Architectural Design
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Traditional wisdom has dictated that in the Northern Hemisphere, residential rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems should be facing true south when possible to maximize energy production. However, an abundance of south-facing ...
An Assessment of Sustainability for Residential Skyscrapers in Accordance with a Multicriteria Decision-Making Method: Nine Dubai Case Studies
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Residential skyscrapers (RSs) are very relevant to all aspects of sustainable development as an integral component of urban development. The need for high-rise buildings was first identified in Chicago in the later part ...
Exploring Critical Risk Factors in Volumetric Modular Construction: Fault Tree Analysis with Stakeholders' Perspectives on Probability and Impact
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Numerous benefits are delivered by the utilization of volumetric modular construction (VMC); however, it carries unique risks at different project stages, which is one of the significant reasons for its low adoption. To ...
Architectural and Structural Engineering of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Mental Health Institutions and Psychiatric Hospitals with Respect to Fire Causes and Mitigation Strategies
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: This paper sheds light on civil facilities that are home to the underrepresented and overlooked population with mental illnesses. More specifically, this paper examines the primary architectural engineering features of ...
Synergizing Design of Building Energy Performance Using Parametric Analysis, Dynamic Visualization, and Neural Network Modeling
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Designing buildings is a multicriteria decision-making process that usually involves a large number of design parameters and several objective functions. The associated combinatorial parametric sensitivity analysis requires ...
Severity of Rain-Induced Wetting–Drying Conditions and the Associated Risk of Concrete Carbonation in the Tropics
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Assessing the probability of failure of typically adopted cover depths to resist the onset of carbonation-induced corrosion under the influence of seasonal rains is important for the durability design of reinforced concrete ...
Adopting Lean Management Principles for Renovation Projects
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: The concept of lean originated with the Toyota Production System, but the idea of applying lean to renovation is relatively unknown. Previous studies have predominately focused on waste elimination or on achieving efficiency ...
Condensation Study: Thermal Analysis of Aluminum-Framed Window Systems under Different Environmental Conditions
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: This paper presents a study where thermal heat transfer simulations were used to evaluate the potential for condensation among 11 different window systems, ranked by their respective heat transfer coefficients (U-factors) ...
Multicriterion Decision-Support Model for Selecting the Appropriate Delivery Method in Sustainable Construction Projects
Publisher: ASCE
Abstract: Selecting the appropriate delivery method is of paramount importance, especially in sustainable construction projects that have unique characteristics that are different from their traditional counterparts. A new ...