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contributor authorJ. C. Chedjou
contributor authorL. K. Kana
contributor authorI. Moussa
contributor authorK. Kyamakya
contributor authorA. Laurent
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:19:22Z
date available2017-05-09T00:19:22Z
date copyrightSeptember, 2006
date issued2006
identifier issn0022-0434
identifier otherJDSMAA-26358#600_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis paper studies the dynamics of a self-excited oscillator with two external periodic forces. Both the nonresonant and resonant states of the oscillator are considered. The hysteresis boundaries are derived in terms of the system’s parameters. The stability conditions of periodic oscillations are derived. Routes to chaos are investigated both from direct numerical simulation and from analog simulation of the model describing the forced oscillator. One of the most important contributions of this work is to provide a set of reliable analytical expressions (formulas) describing the system’s behavior. These are of great importance to design engineers. The reliability of the analytical formulas is demonstrated by a very good agreement with the results obtained by both the numeric and experimental analyses.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleDynamics of a Quasiperiodically Forced Rayleigh Oscillator
typeJournal Paper
journal volume128
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
identifier doi10.1115/1.2232684
journal fristpage600
journal lastpage607
identifier eissn1528-9028
keywordsDynamics (Mechanics)
keywordsEquations AND Force
treeJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control:;2006:;volume( 128 ):;issue: 003

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