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contributor authorK. G. T. Hollands
contributor authorE. C. Shewen
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:12:00Z
date available2017-05-08T23:12:00Z
date copyrightNovember, 1981
date issued1981
identifier issn0199-6231
identifier otherJSEEDO-28145#323_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe effect of the choice of shape and dimensions of the air flow passages in plate-type, air-heating solar collectors is assessed. Particularly examined is their effect on the overall heat transfer coefficient Upf between the air stream and the plate, which has an important effect on collector efficiency. It is emphasized in this study that in comparing various designs of flow passage, they should be compared for the same pressure drop Δp suffered by the air in passing through the collector, and for the same mass flow rate m per unit of collector area. On the basis of this type of comparison, two main conclusions are drawn. First, when the length of the air flow passage L is made less than about 1 m, Upf increases dramatically with decreasing values of L. Second, outside the transition regime, the value of Upf for a V-corrugated absorber plate is from 47 to 300 percent higher than that for a flat absorber plate, depending on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, and on whether the V-corrugated plate is thermally bonded to the back plate. The first conclusion has led to a proposal for a novel air-heating solar collector design, called the “short-path” design.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOptimization of Flow Passage Geometry for Air-Heating, Plate-Type Solar Collectors
typeJournal Paper
journal volume103
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Solar Energy Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.3266260
journal fristpage323
journal lastpage330
identifier eissn1528-8986
keywordsFlow (Dynamics)
keywordsSolar collectors
keywordsAir flow
keywordsPressure drop
keywordsShapes AND Heat transfer coefficients
treeJournal of Solar Energy Engineering:;1981:;volume( 103 ):;issue: 004

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