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contributor authorMohanty, Aurovinda
contributor authorSenapati, Santosh Kumar
contributor authorDash, Manoj Kumar
date accessioned2023-08-16T18:05:22Z
date available2023-08-16T18:05:22Z
date copyright9/22/2022 12:00:00 AM
date issued2022
identifier issn1948-5085
identifier othertsea_15_1_011001.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractAn infrared suppression (IRS) device is integral to any gas turbine used in naval and cargo ships. Estimating an IRS device’s cooling characteristics is essential to start the maintenance operation. Thus, this article presents a computational investigation of the cooling characteristics of an infrared suppression device with a single cylindrical funnel with or without circular perforations. All simulations have been carried out in a steady and laminar environment. The numerical procedure adopted in this work has been validated with the existing correlations and achieved satisfactory agreement. The effect of the Rayleigh number and the length-to-diameter ratio of the funnel have been varied within the practical range to observe their effects on the averaged Nusselt number, heat transfer rate, mass suction rate, velocity fields, and thermal plumes. Moreover, the cooling performance has been compared for funnels without and with circular perforations. It is observed that the average Nu and the heat transfer rate increase with an increase in the Ra. Conversely, the average Nu first increases and then reduces with an increase in L/D. On the contrary, the heat transfer rate decreases monotonically with an increase in the L/D. The suction of fresh air into the funnel increases with Ra, whereas it reduces with an increase in L/D. The perforated funnels have better heat dissipation capacity than the unperforated ones.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleCooling Characteristic of an Infrared Suppression Device With Single Perforated Funnel: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach
typeJournal Paper
journal volume15
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications
identifier doi10.1115/1.4055263
journal fristpage11001-1
journal lastpage11001-10
treeJournal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications:;2022:;volume( 015 ):;issue: 001

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