contributor author | Santoro, Roberta | |
contributor author | Sofi, Alba | |
contributor author | Tubino, Federica | |
date accessioned | 2022-02-06T05:49:04Z | |
date available | 2022-02-06T05:49:04Z | |
date copyright | 4/23/2021 12:00:00 AM | |
date issued | 2021 | |
identifier issn | 2332-9017 | |
identifier other | risk_007_02_020906.pdf | |
identifier uri | | |
description abstract | This paper studies the propagation of uncertainties on serviceability assessment of footbridges in unrestricted traffic condition based on a nondeterministic approach. Multipedestrian loading is modeled as a stationary Gaussian random process through the equivalent spectral model which yields analytical expressions of the spectral moments of the footbridge dynamic response. The uncertain pedestrian-induced loading parameters and structural dynamic properties are modeled as interval variables. An approximate analytical procedure, based on the improved interval analysis, is introduced as an efficient alternative to classical optimization in order to propagate interval uncertainties. The presented procedure allows us to derive closed-form expressions of the bounds of the spectral moments of the response, as well as of the expected value and cumulative distribution function of the maximum footbridge acceleration. Two strategies are proposed to assess footbridges' serviceability. The first one leads to the definition of a range of comfort classes. The second strategy enables us to estimate an interval of probability of reaching at least a suitable comfort level. | |
publisher | The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | |
title | Serviceability Assessment of Footbridges Via Improved Interval Analysis | |
type | Journal Paper | |
journal volume | 7 | |
journal issue | 2 | |
journal title | ASCE-ASME J Risk and Uncert in Engrg Sys Part B Mech Engrg | |
identifier doi | 10.1115/1.4050169 | |
journal fristpage | 020906-1 | |
journal lastpage | 020906-15 | |
page | 15 | |
tree | ASCE-ASME J Risk and Uncert in Engrg Sys Part B Mech Engrg:;2021:;volume( 007 ):;issue: 002 | |
contenttype | Fulltext | |