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contributor authorLee, Jae-Ha
contributor authorShin, Hyunho
contributor authorKim, Jong-Bong
contributor authorKim, Ju-Young
contributor authorPark, Sung-Taek
contributor authorKim, Gwang-Lyeon
contributor authorOh, Kyeong-Won
date accessioned2019-03-17T09:36:52Z
date available2019-03-17T09:36:52Z
date copyright1/22/2019 12:00:00 AM
date issued2019
identifier issn0021-8936
identifier otherjam_086_03_031012.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe load–displacement curves of an aluminum alloy and tantalum were determined using a hat-type specimen in the compression test. Based on the results of finite element analysis, the employed geometry of the hat-type specimen was found to yield a load–displacement curve that is nearly independent of the friction between the specimen and the platen. The flow stress–strain curves of the alloy and tantalum were modeled using the Ludwik and Voce constitutive laws, respectively; furthermore, simulation of the compression event of the hat-type specimen was performed by assuming appropriate constitutive parameters. The constitutive parameters were varied via an optimization function built in matlab until the simulated load–displacement curves reasonably fit the experimental curve. The optimized constitutive parameters obtained in this way were then used to construct friction-free flow stress–strain curves of the two materials.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleDetermination of the Flow Stress–Strain Curves of Aluminum Alloy and Tantalum Using the Compressive Load–Displacement Curves of a Hat-Type Specimen
typeJournal Paper
journal volume86
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Applied Mechanics
identifier doi10.1115/1.4042138
journal fristpage31012
journal lastpage031012-6
treeJournal of Applied Mechanics:;2019:;volume( 086 ):;issue: 003

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