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contributor authorJianguo Xin
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:41:05Z
date available2017-05-09T00:41:05Z
date copyrightOctober, 2010
date issued2010
identifier issn0742-4787
identifier otherJOTRE9-28777#041605_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractWhen a drop of coffee dries on the counter-top, it leaves a dense, ringlike stain along its perimeter. Solids immersed in a drying drop will migrate toward the edge of the drop and form a solid ring. Such phenomena create ringlike stains and happen for a wide variety of surfaces, solvents, and solutes. It is referred to as the coffee stain ring effect. The phenomenon is caused by the outward microfluidic flow of the solute within the drop, which is driven by the evaporation of solvent. We show that the mechanism for the ring effect contributes to the nonuniform material removal in chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), specifically, at edges of blanket wafers causing the edge effect or at edges and corners of protrusive features on patterned wafers inducing the doming effect; metal dishing and dielectric erosion. By controlling the evaporation profile of the solvent in the slurry layer between the wafer surface and the polishing pad, such as making grooves or embedding the abrasive particles on the pad, or delivering the slurry from the bottom of the pad, one can improve the uniformity of material removal during the CMP process.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleCoffee Stain Ring Effect and Nonuniform Material Removal in Chemical Mechanical Polishing
typeJournal Paper
journal volume132
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Tribology
identifier doi10.1115/1.4002108
journal fristpage41605
identifier eissn1528-8897
keywordsFlow (Dynamics)
keywordsSemiconductor wafers
keywordsParticulate matter
keywordsMetals AND Drying
treeJournal of Tribology:;2010:;volume( 132 ):;issue: 004

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