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contributor authorZ. M. Bi
contributor authorS. Y. T. Lang
contributor authorD. Zhang
contributor authorP. E. Orban
contributor authorM. Verner
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:25:01Z
date available2017-05-09T00:25:01Z
date copyrightAugust, 2007
date issued2007
identifier issn1050-0472
identifier otherJMDEDB-27854#799_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis paper presents a concept and implementation of a toolbox for design and application of tripod-based parallel kinematic machines (PKMs). The toolbox is a suite of design tools to support users from conceptual design to actual application of tripod-based PKMs. These design tools have been individually developed in different languages and development environments, and are integrated seamlessly using a JAVA -based platform. Users can access all the design tools through a friendly graphical user interface (GUI). It is the first computer-aided design system specially developed for tripod-based PKMs. The toolbox includes some innovative methodologies, such as a forward kinematics solver, the concept of joint workspace, on-line monitoring based on forward kinematics, and the concept of motion purity. The paper gives an overview on the toolbox architecture and some key technologies.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleIntegrated Design Toolbox for Tripod-Based Parallel Kinematic Machines
typeJournal Paper
journal volume129
journal issue8
journal titleJournal of Mechanical Design
identifier doi10.1115/1.2735340
journal fristpage799
journal lastpage807
identifier eissn1528-9001
keywordsEnd effectors AND Computer-aided design
treeJournal of Mechanical Design:;2007:;volume( 129 ):;issue: 008

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