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contributor authorR. C. S. Freire
contributor authorP. C. Lobo
contributor authorA. M. N. Lima
contributor authorA. Oliveira
contributor authorJ. S. Rocha Neto
contributor authorG. S. Deep
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:57:46Z
date available2017-05-08T23:57:46Z
date copyrightMay, 1998
date issued1998
identifier issn0199-6231
identifier otherJSEEDO-28278#126_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractCalorimetric pyranometers use plane black thermal sensors which absorb solar radiation. If a thermoresistive transducer (sensor-detector combination) is used, the temperature measured is nearer the true value than for thermoelectric transducers. More importantly, the measurement of electrical power is much more accurate than the measurement of temperature. In commercial platinum (thermoresistive), thin film thermometers, the substrate produces transducer time constants an order of magnitude larger than for the best thermoelectric transducers. Use of an electronic amplifier with the thermoresistive sensor, forming one arm of a Wheatstone bridge and arranged in a negative feedback configuration, can reduce the overall response time considerably. Theoretical formulations of instrument response, taking into account the amplifier input offset voltage, are presented and the response time is estimated.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleDynamic Response of a Feedback Thermoresistive Electrical Substitution Pyranometer
typeJournal Paper
journal volume120
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Solar Energy Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.2888055
journal fristpage126
journal lastpage130
identifier eissn1528-8986
keywordsDynamic response
keywordsTemperature measurement
keywordsThin films
keywordsElectricity (Physics)
keywordsElectric potential
keywordsSolar radiation
keywordsPlatinum AND Thermometers
treeJournal of Solar Energy Engineering:;1998:;volume( 120 ):;issue: 002

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