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contributor authorA. D. Fine
contributor authorH. Kraus
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:38:27Z
date available2017-05-08T23:38:27Z
date copyrightSeptember, 1966
date issued1966
identifier issn0021-8936
identifier otherJAMCAV-25834#514_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe dynamic behavior of a medium, according to the uncoupled thermoplastic theory, is presented and is compared to the behavior that would be obtained from an uncoupled quasi-static analysis. Since the inertia terms are retained in the equations of motion, wave fronts (or surfaces of discontinuity) are produced in the medium. The normal velocity of the wave front separating the elastic and plastic regions is determined. General closed-form solutions of the displacement (according to both the dynamic and the quasi-static approaches) are obtained; their unique forms are found for the semi-infinite region, and an illustrative numerical example is then presented.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOn Wave Propagation in Thermoplastic Media
typeJournal Paper
journal volume33
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Applied Mechanics
identifier doi10.1115/1.3625116
journal fristpage514
journal lastpage520
identifier eissn1528-9036
keywordsWave propagation
keywordsEquations of motion
keywordsDisplacement AND Inertia (Mechanics)
treeJournal of Applied Mechanics:;1966:;volume( 033 ):;issue: 003

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