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contributor authorY. S. Cho
contributor authorF. J. Fischer
contributor authorS. B. Kim
contributor authorE. J. Powers
contributor authorR. W. Miksad
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:36:14Z
date available2017-05-08T23:36:14Z
date copyrightMay, 1991
date issued1991
identifier issn0892-7219
identifier otherJMOEEX-28074#137_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractModeling and forecasting of the sway of a moored vessel subjected to random waves were studied recently using quadratic digital filtering techniques. Moreover, it was observed that the future response of the vessel can be predicted with relatively high accuracy. This paper describes a control scheme, which utilizes a quadratic digital filter, to stabilize the low-frequency drift oscillation (LFDO) of moored vessels by a process , whose transfer function may be unknown or time-varying, and an appropriately chosen feedforward compensator. The feedforward compensator generates a control signal that counteracts the LFDO. The predictive filter coefficients are determined from experimental time series data of random sea excitation and the associated sway response of a scaled (1:48) moored barge. The parameters of the process are estimated using a recursive least squares (RLS) method. Simulation results show that the sway of the controlled vessel is reduced considerably, compared with that of a uncontrolled vessel.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleStabilization of Moored Vessels Using a Second-Order Volterra Filter and Feedforward Compensator
typeJournal Paper
journal volume113
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.2919909
journal fristpage137
journal lastpage141
identifier eissn1528-896X
keywordsFeedforward control
keywordsSimulation results
keywordsTime series
keywordsTransfer functions
keywordsWaves AND Modeling
treeJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering:;1991:;volume( 113 ):;issue: 002

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