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contributor authorA. C. Alkidas
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:24:46Z
date available2017-05-08T23:24:46Z
date copyrightApril, 1987
date issued1987
identifier issn1528-8919
identifier otherJETPEZ-26644#187_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe factors influencing premixed burning and the importance of premixed burning on the exhaust emissions from a small high-speed direct-injection diesel engine were investigated. The characteristics of premixed and diffusion burning were examined using a single-zone heat-release analysis. The mass of fuel burned in premixed combustion was found to be linearly related to the product of engine speed and ignition-delay time and to be essentially independent of the total amount of fuel injected. Accordingly, the premixed-burned fraction increased with increasing engine speed, with decreasing fuel-air ratio and with retarding injection timing. The hydrocarbon emissions did not correlate well with the premixed-burned fraction. In contrast, the oxides of nitrogen emissions were found to increase with decreasing premixed-burned fraction, indicating that diffusion burning, and not premixed burning, is the primary source of oxides of nitrogen emissions.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOn the Premixed Combustion in a Direct-Injection Diesel Engine
typeJournal Paper
journal volume109
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
identifier doi10.1115/1.3240023
journal fristpage187
journal lastpage192
identifier eissn0742-4795
keywordsDiesel engines
keywordsDiffusion (Physics)
keywordsExhaust systems
keywordsIgnition AND Delays
treeJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power:;1987:;volume( 109 ):;issue: 002

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