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contributor authorJ. C. Thompson
contributor authorJ. C. Jofriet
contributor authorY. Sze
contributor authorD. G. Strevel
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:01:38Z
date available2017-05-08T23:01:38Z
date copyrightNovember, 1976
date issued1976
identifier issn0094-9930
identifier otherJPVTAS-28139#277_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn most bolted connections, the unknown interface pressure distribution and the extent of the contact region are essential parameters in any stress analysis. Concerning these parameters, experimental and numerical studies of a model of an isolated single-bolt region show the following. The contact region between the flanges depends almost exclusively on the ratio of the flange thickness to the diameter of the surface region of each flange over which the bolt prestressing force is distributed; the contact zone is virtually independent of both the level of prestressing force and of the size of the bolt hole; and the contact stress distribution for a typical range of parameters is very closely approximated by a truncated conical distribution. The studies also delineate the regions of the flanges around each bolt where the stress state is strongly three-dimensional and regions where simple plate theory is applicable. The relationships established between the contact stress distribution and the various geometric parameters are presented in a form immediately applicable by designers.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleThe Interface Boundary Conditions for Bolted Flanged Connections
typeJournal Paper
journal volume98
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.3454412
journal fristpage277
journal lastpage282
identifier eissn1528-8978
keywordsStress analysis (Engineering)
keywordsStress concentration
keywordsBoundary-value problems
keywordsFlange connections AND Thickness
treeJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology:;1976:;volume( 098 ):;issue: 004

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