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contributor authorC. Chiarella
contributor authorW. Charlton
contributor authorA. W. Roberts
date accessioned2017-05-08T22:59:27Z
date available2017-05-08T22:59:27Z
date copyrightFebruary, 1975
date issued1975
identifier issn1087-1357
identifier otherJMSEFK-27618#10_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractUsing a single particle model and an assumed resisting force, the problem of finding the required shape of gravity flow discharge chutes to achieve minimum transit time is formulated by breaking up the path into a number of discrete segments. The method and a set of results are compared with an alternative procedure and solution obtained by use of Pontryagin’s minimum principle.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOptimum Chute Profiles in Gravity Flow of Granular Materials: A Discrete Segment Solution Method
typeJournal Paper
journal volume97
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.3438521
journal fristpage10
journal lastpage13
identifier eissn1528-8935
keywordsGravity (Force)
keywordsFlow (Dynamics)
keywordsGranular materials
keywordsParticulate matter AND Force
treeJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering:;1975:;volume( 097 ):;issue: 001

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