Resources for Ongoing Professional DevelopmentSource: Journal of Management in Engineering:;1998:;Volume ( 014 ):;issue: 002Author:Michael Fink
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(1998)14:2(29)Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
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contributor author | Michael Fink | |
date accessioned | 2017-05-08T22:24:11Z | |
date available | 2017-05-08T22:24:11Z | |
date copyright | March 1998 | |
date issued | 1998 | |
identifier other | 44093494.pdf | |
identifier uri | | |
publisher | American Society of Civil Engineers | |
title | Resources for Ongoing Professional Development | |
type | Journal Paper | |
journal volume | 14 | |
journal issue | 2 | |
journal title | Journal of Management in Engineering | |
identifier doi | 10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(1998)14:2(29) | |
tree | Journal of Management in Engineering:;1998:;Volume ( 014 ):;issue: 002 | |
contenttype | Fulltext |