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contributor authorBalcer, Matthew
contributor authorAristizabal, Mauricio
contributor authorRincon-Tabares, Juan-Sebastian
contributor authorMontoya, Arturo
contributor authorRestrepo, David
contributor authorMillwater, Harry
date accessioned2023-11-29T19:49:31Z
date available2023-11-29T19:49:31Z
date copyright6/13/2023 12:00:00 AM
date issued6/13/2023 12:00:00 AM
date issued2023-06-13
identifier issn2377-2158
identifier othervvuq_008_02_021002.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA derivative-based uncertainty quantification (UQ) method called HYPAD-UQ that utilizes sensitivities from a computational model was developed to approximate the statistical moments and Sobol' indices of the model output. Hypercomplex automatic differentiation (HYPAD) was used as a means to obtain accurate high-order partial derivatives from computational models such as finite element analyses. These sensitivities are used to construct a surrogate model of the output using a Taylor series expansion and subsequently used to estimate statistical moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) and Sobol' indices using algebraic expansions. The uncertainty in a transient linear heat transfer analysis was quantified with HYPAD-UQ using first-order through seventh-order partial derivatives with respect to seven random variables encompassing material properties, geometry, and boundary conditions. Random sampling of the analytical solution and the regression-based stochastic perturbation finite element method were also conducted to compare accuracy and computational cost. The results indicate that HYPAD-UQ has superior accuracy for the same computational effort compared to the regression-based stochastic perturbation finite element method. Sensitivities calculated with HYPAD can allow higher-order Taylor series expansions to be an effective and practical UQ method.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleHYPAD-UQ: A Derivative-Based Uncertainty Quantification Method Using a Hypercomplex Finite Element Method
typeJournal Paper
journal volume8
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification
identifier doi10.1115/1.4062459
journal fristpage21002-1
journal lastpage21002-20
treeJournal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification:;2023:;volume( 008 ):;issue: 002

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