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contributor authorSablowski, Jakob
contributor authorGalle, Lydia
contributor authorGrothe, Julia
contributor authorRoudini, Mehrzad
contributor authorWinkler, Andreas
contributor authorUnz, Simon
contributor authorBeckmann, Michael
date accessioned2022-05-08T09:25:03Z
date available2022-05-08T09:25:03Z
date copyright4/5/2022 12:00:00 AM
date issued2022
identifier issn0022-1481
identifier otherht_144_06_061601.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractDropwise condensation (DWC) has the potential to enhance heat transfer compared to filmwise condensation (FWC). The heat transfer rates achieved by DWC depend on the drop size distribution, which is influenced by nucleation processes of newly formed drops. In DWC modeling, the nucleation site density Ns is used as an input parameter to obtain the drop size distribution of small drops. However, due to the small scale of the condensate nuclei, direct observation is difficult, and experimental data on the nucleation site density are scarce. In the literature, values in the range of 109 m−2 to 1015 m−2 can be found for Ns. In this paper, we report DWC experiments on SiO2 and 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane (PFDTES) thin hydrophobic coatings that show significantly different nucleation site densities. Nucleation site densities are estimated from high-speed imaging of small drops during initial condensation and from model calibration using established DWC theory. We have found the values for Ns to be in the range from 1.1×1010 m−2 to 5.1×1011 m−2 for the SiO2 coating and 1011 m−2 to 1013 m−2 for the PFDTES coating. Our results show that there can be large differences in the nucleation site density under similar conditions depending on the surface properties. This underlines the importance of investigating nucleation site density specifically for each surface and under consideration of the specific process conditions used for DWC.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleExperimental and Theoretical Investigation of Nucleation Site Density and Heat Transfer During Dropwise Condensation on Thin Hydrophobic Coatings
typeJournal Paper
journal volume144
journal issue6
journal titleJournal of Heat Transfer
identifier doi10.1115/1.4053922
journal fristpage61601-1
journal lastpage61601-11
treeJournal of Heat Transfer:;2022:;volume( 144 ):;issue: 006

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