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date accessioned2022-02-04T22:06:53Z
date available2022-02-04T22:06:53Z
date copyright5/1/2020 12:00:00 AM
date issued2020
identifier issn2690-702X
identifier otherjavs_1_1_010201.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractLastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the authors for their tremendous contributions to the Inaugural Issue. The offering of your collaboration on the Inaugural Issue is enormously important for the effective start of JAVS and bringing the journal to its success. I hope that readers will follow with submitting their research findings to JAVS and, thus, will bring JAVS to its worthy place among the top engineering publications in the world.The focus on both research and design of autonomous vehicles and systems requires a set of Associate Editors (AEs) from academia, industry, and research agencies. Readers can see a dedicated team of AEs who represent various technical areas of autonomous vehicles and systems. Together with reviewers, AEs have made it possible to send this Inaugural Issue to you. The AE list is still open for those of you who wish to serve the profession—and the journal.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleInaugural Editorial
typeJournal Paper
journal volume1
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems
identifier doi10.1115/1.4046836
journal fristpage010201-1
journal lastpage010201-1
treeJournal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems:;2020:;volume( 001 ):;issue: 001

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