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contributor authorBayat, Alireza
contributor authorGordaninejad, Faramarz
date accessioned2019-02-28T10:58:53Z
date available2019-02-28T10:58:53Z
date copyright8/9/2017 12:00:00 AM
date issued2018
identifier issn0094-4289
identifier othermats_140_01_011003.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA scale-dependent numerical approach is developed through combining the finite element (FE)-based averaging process with the Monte Carlo method to determine the desired size of a characteristic volume element (CVE) for a random magnetoactive composite (MAC) under applied magnetic field and large deformations. Spatially random distribution of identically magnetic inclusions inside a soft homogeneous matrix is considered to find the appropriate size of the characteristic volume element. Monte Carlo method is used to generate ensembles of a randomly distributed magnetoactive composite to be applied in the homogenization study. The ensemble is utilized as a statistical volume element (SVE) in a scale-dependent numerical algorithm to search the desired characteristic volume element size. Results of this study can be used to investigate effective behavior and multiscale modeling of randomly particulate magnetoactive composites.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleCharacteristic Volume Element for Randomly Particulate Magnetoactive Composites
typeJournal Paper
journal volume140
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.4037023
journal fristpage11003
journal lastpage011003-10
treeJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology:;2018:;volume 140:;issue 001

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