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contributor authorBozet
contributor authorJean-Luc;Servais
contributor authorChristophe
date accessioned2017-12-30T11:43:42Z
date available2017-12-30T11:43:42Z
date copyright6/15/2016 12:00:00 AM
date issued2016
identifier issn0742-4787
identifier othertrib_139_01_011502.pdf
identifier urihttp://
description abstractBall bearings have been used for a long time. Nevertheless, the description of their behavior remains incomplete in spite of the large number of surveys dedicated to ball bearings. Particularly, the exact balls kinematics has still to be addressed in depth. This paper proposes a new way to calculate the balls kinematics by using a simplified quasi-static approach for dry lubricated and axially loaded ball bearings. This method does not use the classical restrictive race control assumptions. More specifically, the role played by the balls kinematics is emphasized by means of the power dissipated within contacts between balls and races. The need for a correct evaluation of the balls behavior is illustrated by using an example, viz., a ball bearing of cryogenic engine turbopump. Indeed, the dissipated power is one of the main concerns in this particular case.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleInfluence of the Balls Kinematics of Axially Loaded Ball Bearings on Coulombic Frictional Dissipations
typeJournal Paper
journal volume139
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Tribology
identifier doi10.1115/1.4032968
journal fristpage11502
journal lastpage011502-9
treeJournal of Tribology:;2016:;volume( 139 ):;issue: 001

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