Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties and Processes in the ARM ProgramSource: Meteorological Monographs:;2016:;Volume( 57 )::page 21.1DOI: 10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-15-0028.1Publisher: American Meteorological Society
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contributor author | McComiskey, Allison | |
contributor author | Ferrare, Richard A. | |
date accessioned | 2017-06-09T16:41:51Z | |
date available | 2017-06-09T16:41:51Z | |
date copyright | 2016/04/01 | |
date issued | 2016 | |
identifier issn | 0065-9401 | |
identifier other | ams-72428.pdf | |
identifier uri | | |
publisher | American Meteorological Society | |
title | Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties and Processes in the ARM Program | |
type | Journal Paper | |
journal volume | 57 | |
journal title | Meteorological Monographs | |
identifier doi | 10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-15-0028.1 | |
journal fristpage | 21.1 | |
journal lastpage | 21.17 | |
tree | Meteorological Monographs:;2016:;Volume( 57 ) | |
contenttype | Fulltext |