Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
EISSN: 1943-5487
ISSN: 0887-3801
Priority: 6
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Description: The Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering serves as a resource to researchers, practitioners, and students on advances and innovative ideas in computing as applicable to the engineering profession. Many such ideas emerge from recent developments More ...
Now showing items 31-40 of 2042
Image-Based Localization and Content Authoring in Structure-from-Motion Point Cloud Models for Real-Time Field Reporting Applications
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Motion Data-Driven Biomechanical Analysis during Construction Tasks on Sites
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Victim Localization and Assessment System for Emergency Responders
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Modeling the Effect of Building Stakeholder Interactions on Value Perception of Sustainable Retrofits
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Optimal Work Pattern for Construction Workers in Hot Weather: A Case Study in Hong Kong
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Alternative Method for Assessing the Roughness Coefficients of Rock Joints
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Design and Evaluation of an Integrated Visualization Platform to Support Corrective Maintenance of HVAC Problem–Related Work Orders
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Abstract: HVAC mechanics need to know various information items about a facility and its building systems to troubleshoot HVAC-related problems. Whether HVAC mechanics can comprehend the situation and pinpoint the problem source in ...
Method to Improve Seismic Performance of RC Moment-Resisting Frames Using Geometric Optimization
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Abstract: This article presents an optimization method to determine the column dimensions that maximize the fundamental frequency of a building, which translates into a highly efficient computational algorithm for approximately ...
Meshfree Sequentially Linear Analysis of Concrete
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Abstract: A new, meshfree method employing the node-based, smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) is presented as an alternative to the nonlinear finite-element approach for concrete members. The nonlinear analysis is replaced ...
Spectral-Based Damage Identification in Structures under Ambient Vibration
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Abstract: The motivation behind this paper is to develop a spectral-based damage detection and damage localization scheme using in-service ambient vibration in the context of non–model-based damage characterization. In this regard, ...