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contributor authorDong Xiang
contributor authorJack D. Marrelli
contributor authorShoubo Wang
contributor authorOvadia Shoham
contributor authorRam S. Mohan
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:43:16Z
date available2017-05-09T00:43:16Z
date copyrightDecember, 2011
date issued2011
identifier issn0195-0738
identifier otherJERTD2-26579#043002_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractOil industry increasingly demands accurate and stable continuous measurement of the percent water in crude oil production streams (watercut) over the entire 0 to 100% range. High accuracy and stability are also required for surface measurement to support niche applications such as control of processes which remove trace amounts of oil and particulates from produced water prior to disposal. Differential dielectric sensors (DDS) have been developed by Chevron as independent tools connected with multiphase meters for process management and composition measurement. This paper is a two-part paper—the first part (current paper) deals with analytical modeling of the DDS (configured in a single ended mode) and the second part (accompanying paper) discusses the results of key experimental investigations obtained in a differential mode. The main objective of this paper is to develop appropriate mathematical models for the DDS which characterize the microwave attenuation and phase shift as functions of fluid properties, sensor geometry and operational conditions. Forward models based on the analysis of microwave propagation have been developed for sensors configured as circular waveguides. Results of this project will be useful for optimization and refinement of multiphase meters.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleA Modular Differential Dielectric Sensor for Use in Multiphase Separation, Process Measurement, and Control—Part I: Analytical Modeling
typeJournal Paper
journal volume133
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Energy Resources Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.4004978
journal fristpage43002
identifier eissn1528-8994
keywordsFluids AND Phase shift
treeJournal of Energy Resources Technology:;2011:;volume( 133 ):;issue: 004

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