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contributor authorM. B. Ruggles-Wrenn
contributor authorO. Ozmen
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:40:32Z
date available2017-05-09T00:40:32Z
date copyrightAugust, 2010
date issued2010
identifier issn0094-9930
identifier otherJPVTAS-28534#041403_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe inelastic deformation behavior of PMR-15 neat resin, a high-temperature thermoset polymer, was investigated at 316°C. The experimental program was designed to explore the influence of strain rate on tensile loading, unloading, and strain recovery behaviors. In addition, the effect of the prior strain rate on the relaxation response of the material, as well as on the creep behavior following strain-controlled loading were examined. Positive, nonlinear strain rate sensitivity is observed in monotonic loading. The material exhibits nonlinear, “curved” stress-strain behavior during unloading at all strain rates. The recovery of strain at zero stress is strongly influenced by the prior strain rate. The prior strain rate also has a profound effect on relaxation behavior. Likewise, creep response is significantly influenced by the prior strain rate. The experimental data are modeled with the viscoplasticity theory based on overstress (VBO). The comparison with experimental data demonstrates that the VBO successfully predicts the inelastic deformation behavior of the PMR-15 polymer under various test histories at 316°C.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleThe Rate (Time)-Dependent Mechanical Behavior of the PMR-15 Thermoset Polymer at 316°C: Experiments and Modeling
typeJournal Paper
journal volume132
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.4000730
journal fristpage41403
identifier eissn1528-8978
keywordsRelaxation (Physics)
keywordsMechanical behavior
keywordsStress-strain curves AND Viscoplasticity
treeJournal of Pressure Vessel Technology:;2010:;volume( 132 ):;issue: 004

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