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contributor authorA Kritskiy
contributor authorP. J. Bates
contributor authorG. Zak
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:39:14Z
date available2017-05-09T00:39:14Z
date copyrightOctober, 2010
date issued2010
identifier issn1087-1357
identifier otherJMSEFK-28406#051002_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn this study, nylon tubes were welded to nylon plaques using laser transmission welding. A conical mirror inserted inside the tube was used to guide the laser beam along the weld path around the inner circumference of the tube. The effect of beam location with respect to the tip of conical mirror on beam distortion was modeled and assessed experimentally. The effects of the laser power, the angular speed, and the number of passes on the joint shear strength were examined. Process parameters that gave good joint strengths were identified.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleLaser Transmission Welding of Nylon Tubes and Plates
typeJournal Paper
journal volume132
journal issue5
journal titleJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.4002191
journal fristpage51002
identifier eissn1528-8935
keywordsNylon fabrics
keywordsLaser beams
keywordsForce AND Plates (structures)
treeJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering:;2010:;volume( 132 ):;issue: 005

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