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contributor authorD. A. Rees
contributor authorD. A. Nield
contributor authorA. V. Kuznetsov
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:28:57Z
date available2017-05-09T00:28:57Z
date copyrightSeptember, 2008
date issued2008
identifier issn0022-1481
identifier otherJHTRAO-27843#092601_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn this article, we study the effect of adopting a two-temperature and two-velocity model, appropriate to a bidisperse porous medium (BDPM), on the classical Cheng–Minkowycz study of vertical free convection boundary-layer flow in a porous medium. It is shown that the boundary-layer equations can be expressed in terms of three parameters: a modified volume fraction, a modified thermal conductivity ratio, and a third parameter incorporating both thermal and BDPM properties. A numerical simulation of the developing boundary layer is guided by a near-leading-edge analysis and supplemented by a far-field analysis. The study is completed by a presentation of numerical simulations of the elliptic equations in order to determine how the adoption of the BDPM model affects the thermal fields in the close vicinity of the origin.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleVertical Free Convective Boundary-Layer Flow in a Bidisperse Porous Medium
typeJournal Paper
journal volume130
journal issue9
journal titleJournal of Heat Transfer
identifier doi10.1115/1.2943304
journal fristpage92601
identifier eissn1528-8943
keywordsFlow (Dynamics)
keywordsPorous materials
keywordsBoundary layers
keywordsThermal conductivity AND Natural convection
treeJournal of Heat Transfer:;2008:;volume( 130 ):;issue: 009

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