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contributor authorA. C. Rao
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:21:08Z
date available2017-05-09T00:21:08Z
date copyrightJanuary, 2006
date issued2006
identifier issn1050-0472
identifier otherJMDEDB-27819#66_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractParallelism can be associated with every closed kinematic chain or its representative graph. Parallelism throws light on work space, rigidity, speed ratios (mechanical advantage), etc., and is of great help in selecting multi degree-of-freedom (dof) chains for robotic applications. Numerous distinct chains with the same number of links and dof exist. The extent of parallelism differs from chain to chain and hence a numerical measure is necessary to quantify the same so that the designer gains insight simply based on the structure without having to actually design all the distinct chains before selecting the best chain for the specified task. To the author’s knowledge, no measure is available in graph theory to quantify the extent of parallelism and the present work is an attempt in this direction.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleParallelism in Planar Manipulators: A Measure
typeJournal Paper
journal volume128
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Mechanical Design
identifier doi10.1115/1.1992512
journal fristpage66
journal lastpage68
identifier eissn1528-9001
keywordsStiffness AND Degrees of freedom
treeJournal of Mechanical Design:;2006:;volume( 128 ):;issue: 001

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