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contributor authorAaron N. Johnson
contributor authorCharles L. Merkle
contributor authorMichael R. Moldover
contributor authorJohn D. Wright
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:20:27Z
date available2017-05-09T00:20:27Z
date copyrightJanuary, 2006
date issued2006
identifier issn0098-2202
identifier otherJFEGA4-27214#170_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractWe computed the flow of four gases (He, N2, CO2, and SF6) through a critical flow venturi (CFV) by augmenting traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with a rate equation that accounts for τrelax, a species-dependent relaxation time that characterizes the equilibration of the vibrational degrees of freedom with the translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Conventional CFD (τrelax=0) underpredicts the flow through small CFVs (throat diameter d=0.593mm) by up to 2.3% for CO2 and by up to 1.2% for SF6. When we used values of τrelax from the acoustics literature, the augmented CFD underpredicted the flow for SF6 by only 0.3%, in the worst case. The augmented predictions for CO2 were within the scatter of previously published experimental data (±0.1%). As expected, both conventional and augmented CFD agree with experiments for He and N2. Thus, augmented CFD enables one to calibrate a small CFV with one gas (e.g., N2) and to use these results as a flow standard with other gases (e.g., CO2) for which reliable values of τrelax and the relaxing heat capacity are available.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleRelaxation Effects in Small Critical Nozzles
typeJournal Paper
journal volume128
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Fluids Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.2137346
journal fristpage170
journal lastpage176
identifier eissn1528-901X
keywordsFlow (Dynamics)
keywordsRelaxation (Physics)
keywordsComputational fluid dynamics
keywordsDischarge coefficient
keywordsEquilibrium (Physics)
keywordsNavier-Stokes equations
keywordsGeometry AND Nozzles
treeJournal of Fluids Engineering:;2006:;volume( 128 ):;issue: 001

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