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contributor authorA. Pantano
contributor authorM. C. Boyce
contributor authorD. M. Parks
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:13:08Z
date available2017-05-09T00:13:08Z
date copyrightJuly, 2004
date issued2004
identifier issn0094-4289
identifier otherJEMTA8-27060#279_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA recently developed procedure for modeling the deformation of single and multi-wall carbon nanotubes [13,14] is applied to nanotube buckling and post-buckling under axial compression. Critical features of the model, which is grounded in elastic shell theory, include identification of (a) an appropriate elastic modulus and thickness pair matching both the wall stretching and bending resistances of the single atomic layer nanotube walls, and (b) a sufficiently stiff interwall van der Waals potential to preserve interwall spacing in locally buckled MWNTs, as is experimentally observed. The first issue is illustrated by parametric buckling studies on a SWNT and comparisons to a corresponding MD simulation from the literature; results clearly indicating the inadequacy of arbitrarily assigning the shell thickness to be the equilibrium spacing of graphite planes. Details of the evolution of local buckling patterns in a nine-walled CNT are interpreted based on a complex interplay of local shell buckling and evolving interwall pressure distributions. The transition in local buckling wavelengths observed with increasing post-buckling deformation is driven by the lower energy of a longer-wavelength, multiwall deformation pattern, compared to the shorter initial wavelength set by local buckling in the outermost shell. This transition, however, is contingent on adopting a van der Waals interaction sufficiently stiff to preserve interlayer spacing in the post-buckled configuration.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleMechanics of Axial Compression of Single and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
typeJournal Paper
journal volume126
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.1752926
journal fristpage279
journal lastpage284
identifier eissn1528-8889
keywordsCarbon nanotubes
keywordsMulti-walled carbon nanotubes
keywordsMulti-walled nanotubes
keywordsSingle-walled nanotubes
keywordsEquilibrium (Physics)
keywordsMolecular dynamics simulation
keywordsNanotubes AND Stiffness
treeJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology:;2004:;volume( 126 ):;issue: 003

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