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contributor authorAbbas S. Milani
contributor authorJames A. Nemes
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:13:07Z
date available2017-05-09T00:13:07Z
date copyrightOctober, 2004
date issued2004
identifier issn0094-4289
identifier otherJEMTA8-27063#443_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractEngineering test data occasionally violate assumptions underlying standard material model identification. Consequently, one has to apply appropriate remedies with respect to each violation to enhance the reliability of identified material parameters. This paper generalizes the use of the signal-to-noise weighting scheme when heteroscedasticity of test data are suspected. Different mathematical and practical aspects of the approach are discussed. Additionally, the ensuing weighted identification process is simplified to an equivalent standard form by means of a space transformation. Finally, the approach is applied to the identification of a nonlinear material model for textile composites, on both qualitative and quantitative levels.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOn Identification of Material Models When Nonrepeatability of Test Data is Present: Application to Textile Composites
typeJournal Paper
journal volume126
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.1789963
journal fristpage443
journal lastpage449
identifier eissn1528-8889
keywordsComposite materials
keywordsTextiles AND Deformation
treeJournal of Engineering Materials and Technology:;2004:;volume( 126 ):;issue: 004

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