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contributor authorE. K. Bender
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:08:19Z
date available2017-05-09T00:08:19Z
date copyrightJune, 1968
date issued1968
identifier issn0098-2202
identifier otherJFEGA4-27314#213_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThe concept of preview control (a control scheme in which an input is sensed before it reaches the controlled plant) is discussed and applied to the guidance of vehicles over statistically described surfaces. Two methods are presented for optimizing the trade-off between vehicle vibration and the clearance space required for excursions of a vehicle relative to a roadway. The first approach, based on Wiener filter theory, is used to synthesize the optimum characteristics (transfer function) of a free-configuration system. Since the transfer function synthesized in this manner is very difficult to mechanize, a parameter-search technique is used to optimize a fixed-configuration system which may be more easily realized in practice. The results of this study show the reduction in vibration and clearance space that a preview control system may bring about as compared to an optimized system that does not use preview information. Preview control may account for root-mean-square vibration reduction by as much as a factor of sixteen at constant clearance space or a decrease in clearance space by a factor of 232 at constant vibration level.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleOptimum Linear Preview Control With Application to Vehicle Suspension
typeJournal Paper
journal volume90
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Fluids Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.3605082
journal fristpage213
journal lastpage221
identifier eissn1528-901X
keywordsControl systems
keywordsTransfer functions
keywordsSuspension systems
keywordsClearances (Engineering)
keywordsFilters AND Industrial plants
treeJournal of Fluids Engineering:;1968:;volume( 090 ):;issue: 002

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