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contributor authorM. Ruzzene
contributor authorA. Baz
date accessioned2017-05-09T00:03:47Z
date available2017-05-09T00:03:47Z
date copyrightApril, 2000
date issued2000
identifier issn1048-9002
identifier otherJVACEK-28851#151_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractLongitudinal wave propagation is controlled using shape memory inserts placed periodically along rods. The inserts act as sources of impedance mismatch with tunable characteristics. Such characteristics are attributed to the unique behavior of the shape memory alloy whereby the elastic modulus of the inserts can be varied up to three times as the alloy undergoes a phase transformation from martensite to austenite. With such controllable capability, the inserts can introduce the proper impedance mismatch necessary to impede the wave propagation along the rods. An analytical model is presented to study the attenuation capabilities of the composite rods and to determine the influence of the various design parameters of the inserts that can control the width of the pass and stop-bands. The numerical results demonstrate the potential of shape memory alloys in controlling the dynamics of wave propagation in rods. Furthermore, the obtained results provide a guideline for designing inserts that are capable of filtering out selected excitation frequencies through proper adjustment of the geometry of the inserts as well as their activation strategies. [S0739-3717(00)00102-1]
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleControl of Wave Propagation in Periodic Composite Rods Using Shape Memory Inserts
typeJournal Paper
journal volume122
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Vibration and Acoustics
identifier doi10.1115/1.568452
journal fristpage151
journal lastpage159
identifier eissn1528-8927
keywordsWave propagation
keywordsComposite materials
keywordsImpedance (Electricity)
keywordsLongitudinal waves AND Shapes
treeJournal of Vibration and Acoustics:;2000:;volume( 122 ):;issue: 002

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