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contributor authorC. S. Kabir
contributor authorA. R. Hasan
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:44:02Z
date available2017-05-08T23:44:02Z
date copyrightJune, 1994
date issued1994
identifier issn0195-0738
identifier otherJERTD2-26455#121_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn a pumping-well buildup test, computation of bottom-hole pressure (BHP) and flow rate (BHF) requires the use of a two-phase flow correlation for estimating the gas void-fraction or holdup along the pipe length and shut-in time. Various correlations are available to perform this task. The purpose of this work is to review these two-phase correlations and to provide an objective evaluation. This analysis is necessitated by the fact that considerable differences in BHP and BHF may occur—depending upon the correlation used—in wells with long pumping liquid columns or those that have high gas/liquid ratio production. Consequently, a potential exists for obtaining different reservoir parameters from transient interpretation. Using laboratory data for two-phase flow in annular geometry, relative strengths of these correlations are explored. Our own data and those of others (a total of 114 points) are used in this comparative study. For static liquid columns, the correlations of Hasan-Kabir, Gilbert, and Podio et al. provide acceptable agreement with experimental data, exceptions being the Godbey-Dimon and Schmidt et al. correlations. In contrast, for the moving liquid column scenario, as in a buildup test, the Hasan-Kabir model provides the best agreement with the dataset used in this work. A basis for smoothing the bubbly/slug transition boundary is given for the Hasan-Kabir method, together with a field example.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleTwo-Phase Flow Correlations as Applied to Pumping Well Testing
typeJournal Paper
journal volume116
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Energy Resources Technology
identifier doi10.1115/1.2906016
journal fristpage121
journal lastpage128
identifier eissn1528-8994
keywordsWell testing services AND Two-phase flow
treeJournal of Energy Resources Technology:;1994:;volume( 116 ):;issue: 002

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