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contributor authorA. Cardou
contributor authorG. V. Tordion
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:30:36Z
date available2017-05-08T23:30:36Z
date copyrightSeptember, 1989
date issued1989
identifier issn1050-0472
identifier otherJMDEDB-28105#433_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractBending stresses in spur gears have been obtained analytically using the Complex Potential Method of the two-dimensional theory of elasticity and conformal mapping of the tooth profile. Effects of profile shift and sliding friction on geometry factor have been studied for 20 deg pressure angle and numbers of teeth ranging from 20 to 150. It has been shown how these results can be applied to obtain a geometry factor corrected to include either the profile or the coefficient of friction effect in a given gear pair.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleA Study of Spur Gear Geometry Factor Through Complex Potential Analysis
typeJournal Paper
journal volume111
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Mechanical Design
identifier doi10.1115/1.3259016
journal fristpage433
journal lastpage438
identifier eissn1528-9001
keywordsSpur gears
keywordsSliding friction
keywordsFriction AND Bending (Stress)
treeJournal of Mechanical Design:;1989:;volume( 111 ):;issue: 003

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