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contributor authorO. S. Madsen
contributor authorM. S. Bruno
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:25:23Z
date available2017-05-08T23:25:23Z
date copyrightNovember, 1987
date issued1987
identifier issn0892-7219
identifier otherJMOEEX-28045#381_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractGoverning equations are derived for the response of partially ice-covered continental shelf waters to atmospheric and tidal forcing. The assumptions underlying these equations are discussed, with emphasis on the physical processes represented by the air-ice and ice-water drag coefficients. Combining the equations that separately govern the water and ice floe motions, a coupled ice-water equation is obtained. The coupled equation reduces, under certain simplifying assumptions, to an equation involving only the air and water velocities relative to the ice velocity. This suggests an approximate but extremely simple methodology for the determination of drag coefficients for ice floes. The methodology is applied to data obtained during BASICS and MIZEX, and shown, in the former application, to yield drag coefficients comparable to those obtained from considerably more laborious methods.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleA Methodology for the Determination of Drag Coefficients for Ice Floes
typeJournal Paper
journal volume109
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
identifier doi10.1115/1.3257035
journal fristpage381
journal lastpage387
identifier eissn1528-896X
treeJournal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering:;1987:;volume( 109 ):;issue: 004

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