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contributor authorA. Azouz
contributor authorD. M. Rowson
contributor authorT. F. J. Quinn
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:23:31Z
date available2017-05-08T23:23:31Z
date copyrightJuly, 1986
date issued1986
identifier issn0742-4787
identifier otherJOTRE9-28455#377_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractExtreme-pressure (EP) additives containing sulphur have been tested using a fourball machine and the structure and thickness of the surface films which formed during wear tests have been studied using conventional methods of physical analysis. A nuclear technique based on a deuteron-proton stripping reaction, was employed to give complementary information (unobtainable by more usual techniques) which produced a better understanding of the structure and formation of such EP films.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleThe Application of a Deuteron Stripping Reaction to Investigate Extreme-Pressure Films
typeJournal Paper
journal volume108
journal issue3
journal titleJournal of Tribology
identifier doi10.1115/1.3261208
journal fristpage377
journal lastpage379
identifier eissn1528-8897
keywordsWear testing
keywordsThin films
keywordsProtons AND Machinery
treeJournal of Tribology:;1986:;volume( 108 ):;issue: 003

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