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contributor authorL. S. Dake
contributor authorJ. A. Russell
contributor authorD. C. Debrodt
date accessioned2017-05-08T23:23:26Z
date available2017-05-08T23:23:26Z
date copyrightOctober, 1986
date issued1986
identifier issn0742-4787
identifier otherJOTRE9-28458#497_1.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractExperts estimate that in 1978 over four quadrillion Btu of energy were lost in the United States because of simple friction and wear. The Energy Conversion and Utilization Technology Program (ECUT) in the U.S. Department of Energy commissioned six surveys from various experts in the field of tribology to learn about the causes of these energy losses and how to reduce them. The surveys included: 1) identification of typical tribology energy sinks in industry, 2) reduction of tribological losses in utilities and transportation, 3) tribological research needed for advanced heat engines, 4) energy conservation potential of new surface modifications, 5) identification of current tribology work sponsored by the government, and 6) an assessment of industrial research needs. A summary of the major findings of each survey is included in this paper.
publisherThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
titleA Review of DOE ECUT Tribology Surveys
typeJournal Paper
journal volume108
journal issue4
journal titleJournal of Tribology
identifier doi10.1115/1.3261252
journal fristpage497
journal lastpage501
identifier eissn1528-8897
keywordsPublic utilities
keywordsHeat engines
keywordsIndustrial research
keywordsEnergy dissipation
keywordsEnergy conversion
keywordsEnergy conservation
keywordsTransportation systems AND Governments
treeJournal of Tribology:;1986:;volume( 108 ):;issue: 004

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