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contributor authorZ. Hao
contributor authorV. P. Singh
date accessioned2017-05-08T21:49:30Z
date available2017-05-08T21:49:30Z
date copyrightJuly 2013
date issued2013
identifier other%28asce%29he%2E1943-5584%2E0000642.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractDrought duration and severity are two main properties for characterizing droughts. These drought properties are mutually correlated and may have different marginal distributions. A bivariate (or joint) distribution of drought duration and severity is therefore needed that is capable of accommodating their different marginal distributions. This study proposes a method, based on entropy theory, for constructing the bivariate distribution of drought duration and severity with different marginal distribution forms. By specifying constraints for drought duration and severity, the entropy-based bivariate distribution can be derived and then marginal distributions can be obtained accordingly. Monthly streamflow data from Brazos River at Waco, Texas, are employed to illustrate the application of the proposed method to model drought duration and severity for drought analysis. The copula method is also applied for comparison with the proposed entropy method.
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleEntropy-Based Method for Bivariate Drought Analysis
typeJournal Paper
journal volume18
journal issue7
journal titleJournal of Hydrologic Engineering
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000621
treeJournal of Hydrologic Engineering:;2013:;Volume ( 018 ):;issue: 007

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