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contributor authorKiichi Suzuki
contributor authorTakemine Yamada
date accessioned2017-05-08T21:31:59Z
date available2017-05-08T21:31:59Z
date copyrightNovember 2006
date issued2006
identifier other%28asce%291532-3641%282006%296%3A6%28440%29.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA comprehensive understanding of the shear behavior of sand in the context of shear band development has not been achieved yet in spite of many detailed research works on each specified subject. In order to observe the entire drained shear behavior of Toyoura sand from the macromechanical point of view, conventional triaxial tests were performed and analyzed up to an axial strain of 30% for various void ratios, initial confining stresses, and stress paths, paying particular attention to volume changes. The strong correlation was found between “double strain softening” and “diagonally crossing shear bands” as a remarkable result. Finally, a qualitative explanation of relations among the stress–strain curve, the failure shape, the dilatancy index–strain curve and the strain localization, could be clearly made. Also, it is concluded that the dilatancy index is an indicator not only of the ratio of the volumetric strain increment to the axial strain increment but also the condition of the strain localization.
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleDouble Strain Softening and Diagonally Crossing Shear Bands of Sand in Drained Triaxial Tests
typeJournal Paper
journal volume6
journal issue6
journal titleInternational Journal of Geomechanics
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)1532-3641(2006)6:6(440)
treeInternational Journal of Geomechanics:;2006:;Volume ( 006 ):;issue: 006

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