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contributor authorEvan Bingham
contributor authorG. Edward Gibson
date accessioned2017-12-16T09:05:08Z
date available2017-12-16T09:05:08Z
date issued2017
identifier other%28ASCE%29ME.1943-5479.0000483.pdf
identifier urihttp://
description abstractFront-end planning (FEP) is a critical process for uncovering project unknowns while also developing adequate scope definition and a structured approach for the project execution process. For infrastructure projects, the FEP process assists in identifying and mitigating risks stemming from issues such as right-of-way concerns, utility adjustments, environmental hazards, logistic problems, and permitting requirements. The authors have developed a novel risk management tool, called the project definition rating index (PDRI) for infrastructure projects, which can be used to identify and address these issues systematically and in a structured manner. Input from 64 industry professionals representing over 30 organizations was used in the development of the tool. In addition to a usable definition for infrastructure in the context of the built environment, a finite and specific list of issues related to scope definition of infrastructure projects was developed with this industry input. Data from 26 completed or in-process projects are given. Results show that the PDRI assessment score is indicative of the current level of scope definition for sample projects and corresponds to project performance. Findings support the hypothesis that projects with improved early understanding of scope definition elements showed improved project outcomes; infrastructure projects with low PDRI scores (well defined) outperformed projects with high PDRI scores. This research contributes to the body of knowledge by specifically identifying those FEP elements that are critical to infrastructure projects.
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleInfrastructure Project Scope Definition Using Project Definition Rating Index
typeJournal Paper
journal volume33
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Management in Engineering
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000483
treeJournal of Management in Engineering:;2017:;Volume ( 033 ):;issue: 002

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