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contributor authorZ. Abdollahnejad
contributor authorM. Mastali
contributor authorM. Mastali
contributor authorA. Dalvand
date accessioned2017-12-16T09:02:18Z
date available2017-12-16T09:02:18Z
date issued2017
identifier other%28ASCE%29MT.1943-5533.0001918.pdf
identifier urihttp://
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleComparative Study on the Effects of Recycled Glass–Fiber on Drying Shrinkage Rate and Mechanical Properties of the Self-Compacting Mortar and Fly Ash–Slag Geopolymer Mortar
typeJournal Paper
journal volume29
journal issue8
journal titleJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001918
treeJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering:;2017:;Volume ( 029 ):;issue: 008

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