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contributor authorStaley, D. O.
date accessioned2017-06-09T14:28:31Z
date available2017-06-09T14:28:31Z
date copyright1988/11/01
date issued1988
identifier issn0022-4928
identifier otherams-19928.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractShort wavelength linear baroclinic instability is examined numerically in two quasi-geostrophic models and one ageostrophic model. The growth rate spectra for the ageostrophic model differ little from those of the quasi-geostrophic models in three cases with different arrangements of shear and static stability. In all models and cases, and for 26 vertical levels, peaks of instability were found at very short wavelengths of a few hundred kilometers. These apparently represent spurious critical layer instability appearing at discrete levels, as suggested by Arakawa. They disappear when very high vertical resolution (e.g., 150 levels) is used.
publisherAmerican Meteorological Society
titleBaroclinic Instability at Short Wavelengths in Vertically Discrete Quasi-Geostrophic and Ageostrophic Models
typeJournal Paper
journal volume45
journal issue21
journal titleJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences
identifier doi10.1175/1520-0469(1988)045<3305:BIASWI>2.0.CO;2
journal fristpage3305
journal lastpage3310
treeJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences:;1988:;Volume( 045 ):;issue: 021

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