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contributor authorMehri Mohebbi
contributor authorZahra Mohebbi
date accessioned2017-05-08T21:05:57Z
date available2017-05-08T21:05:57Z
date copyrightJune 2010
date issued2010
identifier other%28asce%290733-9488%282010%29136%3A2%28154%29.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis study began by raising the question of whether new urbanization could modify social relationships in traditional contexts and makes it accepting the cultural growth along with any urban development or, just can threaten the local values and local heritage. To solve the problems posed by globalization and new urban planning, here we try to suggest one solution: public participation or democracy in urban planning; but this time under new definitions. “To be [global] is to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world—and, at the same time, that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know, and everything we are. [Global] environments and experiences cut across all boundaries of geography and ethnicity, of class and nationality, of religion and ideology: in this sense, [globalization] can be said to unite all mankind. But it is a paradoxical unity, a unity of disunity. To be [global] is to be part of a universe in which, as Marx said, ‘all that is solid melts into air.’” This is the problem of our era: To melt in what means the entire world, under the pressing of global power. How we can remain ourselves while melting in and joining to the global society.
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleSimplest Way to Reach the Most Complicated Goal: “In the Urban Planning, Questions Are Ours and Answers Are the Natives's”
typeJournal Paper
journal volume136
journal issue2
journal titleJournal of Urban Planning and Development
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9488(2010)136:2(154)
treeJournal of Urban Planning and Development:;2010:;Volume ( 136 ):;issue: 002

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