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contributor authorJuan F. Camino
contributor authorM. C. de Oliveira
contributor authorR. E. Skelton
date accessioned2017-05-08T20:58:45Z
date available2017-05-08T20:58:45Z
date copyrightJuly 2003
date issued2003
identifier other%28asce%290733-9445%282003%29129%3A7%28978%29.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis paper presents a methodology in the linear matrix inequality (LMI) framework to jointly optimize the linear control law and the linear parameters in the structure. The method allows the mass matrix to contain free parameters, while employing LMI methods. The paper solves a structure design problem which bounds the covariance of selected outputs, such as interstory drifts and their velocities, in the presence of random excitations. In fact, the method simultaneously designs the structure and the controller, yielding a hybrid control. The proposed method also allows one to guarantee bounds on the peak response in the presence of bounded energy excitations. With minor modifications, the method can also guarantee bounds on the
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
title“Convexifying” Linear Matrix Inequality Methods for Integrating Structure and Control Design
typeJournal Paper
journal volume129
journal issue7
journal titleJournal of Structural Engineering
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2003)129:7(978)
treeJournal of Structural Engineering:;2003:;Volume ( 129 ):;issue: 007

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