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contributor authorL. H. You
contributor authorJ. J. Zhang
contributor authorH. B. Wu
contributor authorR. B. Sun
date accessioned2017-05-08T20:58:08Z
date available2017-05-08T20:58:08Z
date copyrightJanuary 2002
date issued2002
identifier other%28asce%290733-9445%282002%29128%3A1%28125%29.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractAn analytical method has been developed to calculate the deformations and stresses of the wall plates of dry gas holders subject to gas pressure. The deformations of the wall plates are decomposed into out-plane bending and in-plane deformation which are analyzed with the theories for orthotropic plates and flat plates under plane stress, respectively. The analytical formulas to calculate the deformations and stresses in the wall plates are obtained. They give very agreeable results to those of finite-element analysis. Due to the simplicity of the proposed method, it is especially suitable for the analysis and design of the wall plates of dry gas holders under gas pressure.
publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
titleAnalytical Method for Calculation of Deformations and Stresses of Wall Plates of Dry Gas Holders Under Pressure
typeJournal Paper
journal volume128
journal issue1
journal titleJournal of Structural Engineering
identifier doi10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2002)128:1(125)
treeJournal of Structural Engineering:;2002:;Volume ( 128 ):;issue: 001

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