ASME Open Journal of Engineering
Now showing items 121-122 of 122
Innovative Materials and Techniques for Enhancing Hydrogen Storage: A Comprehensive Review of Damage Detection and Preventive Strategies
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: Hydrogen is a promising alternative energy resource, but an improvement of secure and efficient storage solutions must be developed for its increased use. This review will investigate efforts to improve the storage of ...
Particulate Characterization and Lubricating Oil Tribology Investigations of a Gasoline Compression Ignition Engine Using Low Octane Fuels
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Abstract: High compression ratio and lean-burn operation of low-octane gasoline-fueled compression ignition engines lead to significantly higher thermal efficiencies. Hence, it has emerged as a potential technology to propel medium ...